Lewes Glynde & Beddingham Brass Band has current vacancies for a kit drummer and percussionist for our successful concert and contesting band. Sensible events diary, quality MD and friendly membership.

Full kit, music and uniform provided, it’s a great opportunity for any reasonable reader.

2015 was a successful year contesting, winning our section at the SCABA Entertainment Contest.

Adam Kearley won the Senior Slow contest at the SCABA Solo and Duets Contest

Our Baritone Quartet won their section at the SCABA Quartet and Ensemble contest 

Awarded 3rd in our section at the SCABA Autumn contest 

We are currently the highest ranked band in East Sussex

Outside the brass band contesting world, our MD, Ian Stewart was awarded both the Lewes Civic Award in Arts for recognition of his achievements with the band. He was received the Sussex Express Community Hero award – Ian Sussex express

We had a fantastic banding trip to the Oldham & Saddleworth Whit Friday Marches Contest

The band performed at a variety of events, fetes and fairs across the county, concerts at Eastbourne bandstand, Proms in the Paddock, put on a version of A Christmas Carol, performed at the Lewes WWI Remembrance concert, playing “Sussex Remembers”, a piece composed for the band by Ruth O’Keefe MBE. The band were proud to play at the Remembrance and Armistice Day parades in both Ringmer and Lewes to honour those who served.

As ever, we were part of the Lewes Bonfire night celebrations, marching with Commercial Square Bonfire Society. This year we were also delighted to be part of the Hailsham Bonfire parade, marching through the town.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to all our players, deps and supporters. We couldn’t do it without you!

We’re looking forward to 2016 with an equally busy and very enjoyable schedule planned.

If you’re looking to join up, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!


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