Emma Boswell

Emma B

I come from a very musical family and my dad has always encouraged me to learn how to play an instrument. When I was about 7 or 8 I started learning the violin however, my younger sister started trombone lessons and because I was jealous of her having a lovely shiny brass instrument, I ignored my violin, picked up a trumpet and never looked back. A family friend once said that I was definitely a blower, not a bower!

Initially I was having a few informal lessons with Paul Hyde before becoming involved with the East Sussex Music Service and through that, playing in several different wind bands, orchestra’s and brass groups. I also played in the East Sussex Concert Band for a number of years with Jon Bailey and went on a few trips to France which I always enjoyed.

Through being involved with the ESMS, I met Alex Emberley and after sitting next to him for years in the South Downs Youth Concert Band, our parents got talking about the Lewes Glynde and Beddingham Brass Band. At this stage, I had just taken my Grade 5 exam and was ready to play in a more challenging band and from what I can remember, I joined LGB as a second cornet player in 2002 before moving up to Repiano where I have remained ever since.

One of the best things about playing in a brass band is the wide variety of music we get to play at contests and I’ll never forget the moment we won the 3rd Section National Championships in 2013. Playing in LGB has also meant that I have made lifelong friends and share lots of great memories with them.

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