Anyone passing through Waterloo Station on Saturday 16 November would have had a festive surprise waiting for them on the concourse… Us!

The band was contacted several months ago by the marketing team at Penguin Random House (owners of the rights to ‘The Snowman’). They were looking to stage a promotional event with a certain snowy character to get their Christmas festivities started, and looking to work with a band with a local connection to Raymond Briggs. We were only too happy to be involved, and quickly established that a ten piece group, playing a selection of tunes from the film and some other Christmas favourites, was the mutually ideal approach.
And so it was that the band made its London debut! A small team made its way to Waterloo early that morning, set up camp slap bang in the middle of the concourse, and entertained travellers for most of the day.
The band would very much like to thank Penguin for the opportunity, especially the team that looked after us so well all day. Being conducted by The Snowman himself was an unforgettable experience, and it certainly got us in the Christmas spirit!